The Best Way to Predict the Future Is to Create It

Our primary mission is to reduce LANL’s climate, waste, and water footprints. The Sustainability Program manages, implements, and tracks goals set by presidential executive orders and DOE policies.

By 2050: We envision a laboratory where resources are managed sustainably. We will be carbon-neutral, develop and use progressive and efficient operational processes, and be a sustainability leader for the rest of the country.

LANL’s Initiatives

The Sustainability Program works across the Laboratory to seek and propose projects that conserve water and energy

Go Green

Reducing our impact requires big and small behavioral changes.


Promoting green purchasing, reuse and recycling, and the conservation of fuel, energy, and water.

Pollution Prevention

LANL is committed to purchasing and using environmentally preferable products.

Green Purchasing

Millions of gallons of industrial wastewater is recycled at LANL.

Reusing Water
  • Goals & Progress

    Has aimed and succeeded at decreasing overall energy and water consumption over the last 10 years.

  • What can you do to conserve?

    If you are wondering how you can become more sustainable in your daily life, take a look at the suggestions below.

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  • Environmental Awards

    Awarded for sustainability in waste reduction, improved waste management, innovation that leads to environmental improvement, and environmental education at LANL